Welcome to St. Matthew Lutheran Church!
Whether you are a long-time member of St. Matthew, a first-time visitor, or somewhere in-between, we are thankful you are here. We hope that you will find a home here in this community. We are excited about our ministries at St. Matt's, and we hope that you will find ways to plug in that make sense to you.
You are welcome here whether:
- You are a life-long Christian or taking a step into a new faith.
- You're faith is sure or you aren't so sure about all of this.
- Church has been a place of comfort or church has been a place of discomfort or trauma.
- You're messy or all-put-together.
- Your family fits into a mold or your family is a bit out of the box.
- You are single, married, divorced, or widowed.
- You are gay, straight, bisexual, asexual; you are transgender or cisgender.